Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson received his Ph.D. in Applied Biology from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2006. After spending a year as a research investigator at the Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research jointly housed at the University of Michigan and NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Wilson joined the faculty in the Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures at Auburn University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in 2007.
Wilson’s research interests center around the ecological and limnological mechanisms mediating harmful algal blooms. He and his students use large-scale field experiments to understand how intraspecific genetic and phenotypic variation influences the promotion and control of toxic cyanobacterial blooms. In addition to his empirical research, Wilson is also currently managing a large lake monitoring project aimed at developing models to forecast blooms of toxic cyanobacteria in freshwater ecosystems throughout the southeastern U.S. Lastly, in collaboration with UNC-CH scientists, Wilson is developing projects aimed at understanding how toxic algal blooms influence human health.
You can learn more about Alan’s research at